Let's talk about Musicaa~!!

Published on by Lilith

Hii, it's me Lily, or Lilith, as you prefer!
Just let's talk about music!

 I don't listen to a certain type of music because I like everything.  Metal, pop, opera, dance.  I'm gonna present you some of my favorite bands :D

Nightwish Band
First, saya suka NIGHTWISH.  This is my favorite band.  It's metal and opera like... mixed togheter!  My favorite songs are Nemo, I wish I had an Angel, Phantom of the Opera, Wishmaster, Amaranth, and so many that I cannot tell them all hahaha.  Tarja's voice is soo beautiful also!  Now she's separated from nightwish but I still listen to her music.  My favoite songs from her are Sing for me, Boy and the ghost and the Reing.  :D  She's just so good.  Beautiful voice.  Nightwish has now a new signer, Anette.  Her voice is okay, she's good, even if I prefered Tarja's voice... but I would have to admit Anette rocks so much more than Tarja during shows!!!   I went to their show in Montreal last september.  That was really good! :D 
(Picture by Irenat, http://irenat.deviantart.com)

Second, EPICA!  I really like this band, even tough I don't really listen to a lot of their songs.  I think Simone's voice is like, sooooo pretty!  It's unbelievable!  The sound she makes is clear, pure.  She's soprano.  Oh seriously sometimes I wonder if she's human hahaha.  Seriously she's really good!!!  "voice"gami desu! hahaha.  One of the song I live very much is Obsessive devotion.  This song is about extremists religious.  I like it, it sounds so great :D  If you don't know about it you should listen to couple of their songs ^.^ 
I wouldn't be able to decide between Simone or Tarja, they are both great!!!  Tarja has a darker voice than Simone butthey are both beauutifuul in their own style.
(Photo taken by HellPig, http://hellpig.deviantart.com )

Now, I present you System of a Down.  I would have to say this msic if far the weirdest I ever hear.  They are genius, especially the singer.  He's an old opera singer and he sings veeery good!  He pronouces so great and he's able to say the word "everybody" like very rapidly 12 consecutive times!  It's just so crazy!!!  This singer is simply just too amazing!  I really like this band because they are original and they are able to say really intelligent things in their songs.  Also they are able to put stupid stuff (No need to mention Chic'n Stu, talking about pizzas!).  I got all their CDs.  My favorite songs are Cigaro, F*ck the system, Radio/Video, Aerals, Roulette, Violent Pornography, Chop Suey!, Toxicity and others.  I think it's sad the group separated :'( .  Serj Tankian is now alone but what he makes is still so great!  I really like Empty Walls, I would say it's the better one.  The videoclip is just so meaninful and amazing!  I also like Sky is Over and Baby.  They're just super! :D 
(By Taintedqfx , http://taintedgfx.deviantart.com )

Now japanese music~!  This Is YUI, She makes really good songs.  My favorite are How Crazy and Daydreamer.  Obviously, she sings in japanese and japanese sounds just soo kawaii!  She does the better japanese songs I had the occasion to hear :)  She has a cute voice.  Japanese girls all sound like babies when they sing but I think it's cute, It's a different style!  I enjoy japanese songs :D

(Picture drawn by witchi1976, http://witchi1976.deviantart.com )

It's all for today!!  I hope you enjoyed this article!!!  I also hope you discovered new cool music!

Cyaa!  じゃまった!

Published on 音楽 -Music

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Comment on this post
Good morning princess<br /> I don't know all singers they are on your page. Perhaps the reason is I live in a middle age period :)<br /> Since 3 years, I prefer to listen classical music. Of course, it is the "knowig music I try yo lear and understand, but I feel it like a dream.<br /> When I hear Mozart and Albinoni, I am in a other country.<br /> .<br /> For you blog, it is possible to put mp3's music on each page.... Is it possible to hear your singers ?
<br /> Yeah of course, would be a great idea.  Maybe youtube videos!<br /> Noted!  Thanks!<br /> I like to listen to classical music sometimes ^.^  I love the sound of orchestra.  It's mostly why I listen Nightwish and Epica a lot ^.^  They have an orchestral but modern<br /> song ^.^<br /> ;)<br /> <br /> <br />