About me

Published on by Lilith

I never really presented myself so I decided to do so right now.  (Don't know, I just felt like it xD)
So I hope you'll like to read it xD

(Done on 16/07/2009)


*Name: It's a secret except to the ones who already knows it xD
*Pseudo : Lilith
*Surnom : Lily or Lilly, I never decided which one to take
*Gender : Feminine
*Hair: dark brown (Some people say it's black)
*Eyes: Brown with a little bit of green
*Country/Roots: Eeeeeerish roots (Irish), born in Canada, Quebec ;)
*Job: Student!  But I also babysit everyweek and well, I'm still searching for a summer job... -.-' unluckily
*In a relationship? Nope
*Age: 16


* Your biggest quality? Never Frustrated
* Your biggest flaws? Easy to hurt, give too much confidence in people, desorganized
* Optimist or pessimist? Optimist... most of the time
* Introvert or extrovert? I would say introvert with people I know a little, but extrovert with people I know a lot or people I don't know at all
* Speed or Zen ? More zen than speed, even if my life is very very speeeedy indeed...
* Mytho or sincere ? Sincere :P
* Affectionate ? Well, it depends xD
* Discrete ? yeah
* Extravagant  (money)? Sometimes
* Provocative ? A little :P  If  you call a girl walking in the street with a communist hat and a Che t-shirt then yeah, a lot :P
* Sexy/Thrilling? Don't know.  People tell me I am, but I cannot judge by myself xD
* Arrogant ? Neeeeeeever.  The most disguting flaw ever
* Do you cry easily? yeah..... :(
* What do your friends hate the most about you? I'm always busy!


* The most beautiful feeling? Friendship
* Thos worst feeling ever? Shame
* hetero, bi or homo ? Hetero :P
* Are you in love right now? Nope
* Who represents your loving ideal? ...
* Did you ever love someone ? Yeah, I did.
* Are you usually waiting for the others to show his/her interrest? Yeah, Indeeeed
* What's your biggest fantasm?...
* Kiss or being kissed? Being kissed  :) :)
* Last time you cried? I believe it was two weeks ago xD
* What's your type of guy or girl? Guys that have something interresting to say :P
* Something you would like to be forgiven? uhmmm, the american stop I did once.  My driving teacher said If it was the real test I would have failed it cuz it's a huuuuge mistake and I was like nooooooo! (no link with the subject but whatever)
* Favorite perfume? Green Tea :)  I also like fruit perfume.  And cocumber perfume also :P (yeah xD)


* in yourself? yeah, but sometimes less
* in your friends? yeah, most of them (too much?)
* in the little mouse? wtf is that... I guess I do
* in randomness? Not at all.  I would have like to explain, but I'll do it later cuz it's very long
* in God? Yes and No.  An other thing I'll clarify in another article, someday
* ghosts exist? yeahh :) There's one in my house actually xD
* aliens exist ? yeah, but I don't believe they are green with big eyes and that they steal humans to do experiences.
* it's possible to fall in love the first time you meet someone? uhm, maybe, I guess so. 
* Have the talent for doing something in particular? I guess I do, I just don't know what exactly


* What style are you listening to? I looooooove Metal but I also listen to many other styles such as rock, techno, j-pop.  I don't particularily like rap thoughtxD
* Favorite song? It's hard, it's changing every week.  There are so many good songs xD  I would say that there is one I never get tired of, it's Nemo, from Nightwish.
* Favorite artist ? Band Nightwish, Artist: Tarja
* What are you doing when listening to music? I sing, I dance, I sleep, I drink, I eat, I do everything.  i always listen to music :)  But I lost my mp3 5 days ago and I'm kinda dying! :(
* Could you survive without internet? No, I would die.  I really couldn't survive
* Did someone ever told you you was looking like a known character? Yeah, but I don't remember which one xD
* Favorite actor? none
* Favortite actress ? none
* Favorite ad ? Bridgestone, the one with Mrs and Mr Potatoe
* Favorite movie? SPIRITED AWAYYY!
* Favorite animated movie?SPIRITED AWAY AGAIN!
* What channel are you looking to when you open the tv? I never listen to TV xD  So when I open it it's the news, cuz my parents are looking at it
* What's picture's on your computer's background? My dog drinking beer :)
* Do you have a website? I used to (http://exyl.darkbb.com)
* Blog ? no! ;)


* did you ever had an imaginary friend? Yeah :)
* drove a car? Yeah!
* drove a motorcycling ? No :(
* cryied during a movie? Yeah
* did a strip? uhm.


* Do you feel confortable with yourself?  Sometimes
* The body part you like the most? I don't know
* the one you hate the most? ...
* What would you like to change? ...
* Do you smoke? NO
* Do you drink? Only coolers cuz it tastes good :)
* Fears? Roller Coasters!!!!!
* Complex?? That question was asked 3 times -.-'


* Relation you've got with food? Married
* Greedy? A little :)
* Salty or sweet? Sweet!
* Favorite drink ? Coolers!
* Favorite plate? Sushi!!!!!!!
* Ice cream? Vanilla, with pieces of chocolate everywhere :D  I also like the Rolo one.


* Right-handed, Left-handed or both? Left-handed, but I can also write with my right hand :)
* lace or satin ? Lace, definitively!
* Day or night? Night is more fun
* Bed: one place or two? Two places, 'cus I'm always moving from a side to the other.
* Ocean or Hills?  Hills
* Salt or pepper ? Salt
* Gold or silver? Gold ^^
* egg or chicken? Egg
* Recieve or give ? Give is seriously more fun than recieve.  Actually, I feel very very shy when someone gives me something, that's why I never ask anything if it's not necessary, even to my parents.


* Before I fall asleep...I listen to music
* When I wake up in the morning...I stay in my bed until I fall asleep again
* Now I decided to...beat up everyone that would treat me as my last dance partener did.  I prefer to dance alone than be with someone that cannot respect me.
* I could do anything... if I had the possibilities to do it
* I never go out without... my mp3 and my driving permit
* I feel flattered when I recieve compliments... but I begin to feel very very shy alsoo xD

Hope you enjoyed!!! :D

Published on リリト~ -Me

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